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Playing an old game

 a wikipedia treasure hunt. I started with Thyroid Disease in Women Thyroid disease in women  is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid in women. This condition can have a profound effect during pregnancy and on the child. It also is called  Hashimoto's thyroiditis  (theye-royd-EYET-uhss). During pregnancy, the infant may be seriously affected and have a variety of birth defects. Many women with Hashimoto's disease develop an underactive thyroid. They may have mild or no symptoms at first, but symptoms tend to worsen over time. If a woman is pregnant and has symptoms of Hashimoto's disease, the clinician will do an exam and order one or more tests. [1] [2] [3]   Hashimoto's thyroiditis   Hashimoto's disease is about seven times more common in women than in men. It can occur in teens and young women, but more commonly appears in  middle age , particularly for men. People who develop Hashimoto's disease often have family members who have thyroid or other a