My name is Cherylann Marois
- I am a 60+ woman. My style and beliefs can best be described as eclectic
- I am single though you will find references to my husband, the Professor. He doesn't live with me or even in the same town as me but we have been in a relationship for 20 + years.
- I no longer work for a living due to Fibromyalgia and Dysthymia ( constant body pain and an unending depression). I have other health-related issues including obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol etc.
- I am a grandmother. Some are adults with children of their own, some are teenagers and some are under 10, at last count there were 8 of them plus 1 great-grandchild
- I am creatively inclined and do many different crafts depending on how I'm feeling. I have an unfinished object list almost as long as my arm. Right now though it seems as if the creative well is empty
- I do my own cooking but have a marked preference for easy to prepare stuff and I much prefer someone else cook or when I can order out.
- The Professor and I like to travel and we try to go somewhere within Ontario every year.
- I read a lot, am semi-active on Facebook and Pinterest & play solitaire every night
- I do not leave my home (in an old renovated church) very often except in the spring and fall. Summer is too hot and winter too cold. During the times I am house-bound my daughter and oldest grand-daughter do the stuff that needs doing outside like groceries and prescriptions.
- I have the curiosity of a cat and am always learning new things especially new crafts, writing stuff and recipes.
A little of this and a little of that mostly about what is happening in my life or what I'm thinking about. This space gives me a chance to release some of the s**t in my head. I hope you find something of use to you.