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Showing posts from August, 2022

I have been looking at my should's.

 I realized last night that I have a lot of rules for myself and some of them may have medical evidence to back them up but a lot of them are just arbitrary rules I learned along the way. I should be in bed by 10 pm and asleep by midnight. Why? I'm not tired then I get tired later like 2 am I should be up and out of bed by 7 am. (my parents) I don't go to school anymore and have nothing to do all day why do I should I be up by then? I should eat a big breakfast, a medium size lunch and a small dinner. Granted it makes sense but what if you can't afford it or are unable to prepare anything due to a lack of energy? My illness almost guarantees that I run out of energy quickly and when I push myself I need to take 4-7 days to get enough energy to do anything again. These are just a few of my should's. I've decided that every time I think "I should" I will stop and look at what that should is and rather it fits me and my life. Things like I should brush my tee...