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It's poetry month

 I considered adding images for these poems but I think the words speak for themselves. A Place I Love and Metaphorical Journey are both done in free verse as it is always the easiest choice for me.

Seasonal Change

Here's a diamante for "winter to spring":

Cold, icy
Freezing, chilling, snowing
Transition, change, awakening, rebirth
Blooming, warming, flourishing

And here's one for "spring to summer":

Blooming, blossoming
Warming, refreshing, growing
Transition, change, evolution, growth
Brightening, warming, shining

Sadly my mind went blank when I tried to describe the changing of the seasons, this is as the AI made them. And yet it still managed to echo my own thoughts on the changes within the verses it truly is amazing.

The second poem prompt I have is: A Place I Love

In the evergreen haven, a child's retreat,
A peaceful, perfect playhouse, a quiet seat.
Beneath boughs of green, a sanctuary found,
A little fort, a haven, on peaceful ground.

Safe, serene space, solace from noise,
Nature's nurturing, a haven of joys.
A peaceful, perfect playhouse, a quiet seat,
In the evergreen haven, a child's retreat.

its instructions (just so you can see I don't always allow ChatGpt do all the writing for me): "when i was a child, there was a special place I went that was a safe haven for me. it was a clearing under a bunch of evergreens that was just the right size for a playhouse. I needed the space to rest from my loud annoying family , it was perfect and provided many hours of solace.  

I will leave the form to you but I would like you to use some alliteration and repetitive words to show the peace and comfort I found within my little fort. if possible keep the beats per line to 10" 

The third one today because it seems that is how many I missed with the other stuff I've been doing is : Metaphorical Journey

In the garden of innocence, we are born,
Pure and fearless, like a new dawn.
Our hearts beat with the rhythm of adventure,
As we dance through life's fields, without censure.

With each step, we climb higher, unafraid,
Conquering mountains, in the dreams we've made.
Like a river, we flow, unbounded and free,
Embracing the unknown, with unbridled glee.

But time is a thief, stealing our youth,
Leaving behind fragments, shadows of truth.
The mountains we once climbed, now loom tall,
As we navigate life's valleys, feeling small.

Like a flower wilting, we shrink and fade,
In the twilight of life, where shadows cascade.
Fear creeps in, a silent, chilling guest,
Robbing us of sleep, of peace, of rest.

Yet, in the dusk, there's a glimmer of light,
A reminder of the child, once bold and bright.
For in our hearts, the spirit of youth remains,
A flicker of hope, amidst life's strains.

So, let us embrace the journey, with all its fears,
For in facing them, we conquer our tears.
From childhood's fearlessness to old age's fear,
The journey is ours, to cherish and steer.

it's instructions: "Metaphorical journey using lots of metaphors describe the journey from childhood and fearlessness to old age and fearfulness"


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