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May 12- One more Day 'til we leave for Vancouver

 Yesterday was a great day! We left Peterpatch around 8am and headed to Toronto. We had a full day planned. The two main things for the day was the Ripley's Aquarium then watch a production of Les Miserable @ Mervish Theatre.

The Aquarium was a great test for Night photography on my phone as they keep it so dim there. When I remembered to wait for it to finish processing I got some lovely shots like these

Sea Anemone

Star Fish

Look like dandelions to me

We visited the gift shop on our way out and I got another magnet for my fridge. That cute little purple guy.

After that we stopped for lunch, from a hotdog cart, I got a mild polish sausage, I ate the sausage and gave all or almost all of the bun to the birds. There were pigeons and wrens vying for it. The wrens are quick and if they can hold it in their beak they will take it, they even tryed with the much bigger pieces I threw out for the pigeons. It was quite funny actually watching this small bird try to take a piece of bread bigger than their head.

After we ate we still had a couple of hours before the show so we went across the street to look around the train museum. I saw an engine the size of a car and another made from wood as well as tons of model trains, they had three showcases full.

GS#1 would love it I think!

We headed back to the theatre stopping too get a beavertail at a place outside the aquarium. I was a bit upset about the service there and my beavertail was way too crispy but delicious anyway.

On the way back we went under this bridge, E told me what it was called but I don't remember. They had painted the walls on both sides with famous natives

Most of the paintings were defaced in one way or another which really saddened me. People should have more respect for their historical heros.

Les Miserables was excellent! It made me laugh and cry and gave me goosebumps like a good play should. E keeps asking why we had to see it twice so I remind him he saw Phantom of the opera 10 times so he really has no room to talk.

Something is a classic for a reason and Les Mis is definitly a classic.

I got 4 pins for my hat, they are pretty cool but I think my favourite is "One More Day".

We headed back home and tryed out the Local Boston Pizza which was a bit disappointing, service was so slow a meal that should have been done in half an hour lasted nearly 2 hours though the food was pretty good.


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