Albeit tired in a way I can not describe well but I will try.
November was a quiet month with very little going on and was just what I needed after such a busy summer. I am still feeling off but that may have been because I had what I think was a mini-stroke just at the end of November then December brought GD#3 back full-time.
The shakes are steadily getting worse and the headaches are back. It has been awhile since I felt so tense and afraid. It could just be a stress headache but I keep coming back to the massive one I had the night before I got checked out for the stroke. It frightens me but it shouldn't I used to get them a lot last winter, it's because our radiators blow warm, dry air and it dries me out. The thing is even drinking water does not seem to help much. My guess is that I am very dehydrated from the heaters, with the added stress of Christmas and GD#3, all of which add up to "I don't feel so good".
Add the mini-stroke stuff and winter arriving and you have a lot of contributing factors. I need to get an MRI done on Friday Dec 6 at 7:45 pm E if you want to come. Before that I am going to my doctor, maybe he can explain what is going on with my body if it's something besides old age.
Does anyone read Doctor besides E that is? I recognize some of it though the degenerative disc disease was a bit startling, I knew about the shoulder I just didn't know what it was called. Not sure what the third thing is but I think it may be important as I think it has to do with my heart.
Degenerative disc disease is mild at C4-5, moderate at C5-6 and C6-7.Apophyseal joint osteoarthritis is severe and left sided.The left A1 is hypoplastic but opacified. Otherwise, arteries at the circle-of-Willis and major branches are normal
"The left A1 is hypoplastic but opacified" means the artery is narrowing but still allowing blood to flow through. If it is due to a build-up of chloresterol then you may need to go on medication to reduce your chloresterol levels and change your diet to lower it as well.