Sometimes my thoughts settle into repeat mode, what they repeat are conversations I feel I need to have but am a bit afraid to follow through on.
Case in point the continued disrespect being shown to what is sacred ground even if it is no longer used as a church. At first it was a few scavengers going through the dumpster looking for the gods only know what, at first. If you looked outside Keith Hall right now you would be disgusted. They have been taking everything out of the dumpster and spreading it around the dumpster area and lately have been targeting the wheelchair ramp ... THE FRICKING WHEELCHAIR RAMP! which at least 4 tenants require the daily use of.
It wasn't enough to turn the connecting hall and the upstairs into a dumpster now they are preventing the free movement of wheelchair bound and walker users. Talk about disrespect, which brings me to the conversation I keep having in my brain.
At the end of the lane is a crackhouse which up until the last big snowstorm in early February didn't cause any issues. Since then the issues have excalated as I mentioned above. I want to take my spear and go pay them a visit. Just to talk, the spear is just in case they start something physical with me.
Just to talk but what would I say well the beginning is easy. The spear is not a threat it is a promise, if someone starts getting physical with me I WILL retaliate.
I want to talk about the disrespect being displayed towards the old Knox church in general and Keith Hall in particular. Garbage belongs inside the dumpster not thrown all over the place and not on the ramp or in the building. For the life of me I don't understand why after you go through the bags you don't return them to the dumpster. I mean if you got them out putting them back is easy and would cause less anger towards your community.
The deliberate blocking of the ramp and front door of Keith hall is another issue with the same solution. If you need light to see whats in the bags that's fine but why on earth would you leave the mess on the step or ramp when the dumpster is right there?
Its a simple fix, it's called cleaning up after yourself instead of making it so other people have to do it for you as if you are a baby. That is all I ask, clean up after yourself, it is a church for crying out loud and it is a home of physically and mentally handicapped folks not a fucking dump.
I will find out who is responsible and I will have them charged if needs be, oh and a promise if the cops don't punish you for your disrespect then the gods and I will.
End of conversation. Any questions? Good , thank you for your time.
That's it except I don't know if I'm brave enough to go there and follow through with the actual conversation. Depends how much angrier I get I suppose. Wish me luck and courage if you please, I'd like that.
Don't - crackheads are unpredictable. Tell building management, let them get the police involved.