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Its Poetry Month! Day 2

A Memory A Memory In the hazy corridors of memory, there lingers a moment from my childhood, a fragile age of four. It was a time of innocence, of tender steps into the world, where the simplest of interactions could shape the contours of a young heart. I remember the sun-dappled yard, where laughter danced like butterflies, and the promise of adventure beckoned from every corner. My cousin, a beacon of playfulness and generosity, offered me her trike, a shining chariot of freedom. Excitement bubbled within me as I eagerly accepted her offer, my eyes wide with anticipation. But fate, it seemed, had a different script in mind. As I skipped towards the promised trike, my joy was abruptly halted by a voice, sharp and cutting. It belonged to my cousin's step-father, a man whose disapproving gaze could pierce the thickest veil of childhood bliss. "No," he said firmly, "you can't borrow it. You break everything you touch." In that moment, the world seemed to still

World Autism Awareness Day April 2

The theme of World Autism Awareness Day this year is ' Empowering Autistic Voices ' which aims at providing more support and power to the individuals with this condition, in order to ensure they lead a meaningful life and even pursue successful careers. I have a grandson who is 15 and diagnosed as Autistic, I am trying to figure out a way to help him succeed in his life because right now he doesn't have a chance in hell 1. Priming: This prepares the student with autism for a situation or task. They may feel anxious if exposed to a sudden change or a new addition to their routine. A surprise class quiz or test, for example, can result in emotional meltdowns. However, if informed well in advance, they tend to take any test with utmost sincerity. Similarly, deciding on a signal for time to pause when in group conversations allows them to maintain unsaid social protocols. 2. Managing sensory stimulation: This is critical to keep the learning environment less stressfu

It is Poetry month

 Please join me. Write a poem about Natures song and add it to the comments if you want to play. Can't promise a prize but I would love to see them. Todays prompt was: Nature's song Nature's song sings in my soul, A melody that makes me whole. Each note a whisper, pure and clear, Nature's song sings in my soul. In every breeze, I feel it near, A harmony that's always here. Nature's song sings in my soul, A melody that makes me whole. It has been so long, I've missed its cheer, Nature's song sings in my soul. Yesterday turned into a wonderful day! Not only did I get to meet this little guy while I was putting Easter Eggs out but I also met a bunch of littles and spent time with them. The group to the right consists of from left to right: my niece Tori, Mordecai, Jackson, Damien, Athena & Tori's friend Aria  GS #1 and #2 (14 & 15) were also there but didn't want to get a picture taken still they enjoyed the egg hunt as much as the littles d

April Intentions

My intentions: Awareness days through the month : Autism, Day of Pink, Wear a star day, Earth Day, & Pay it forward Adventures are in the plans including a few things for my Photo-A-Day and movement goals Also adventure wise I'll be working from a list of prompts to design Woulf's adventure in a bit more broad strokes As Appreciation of my life right now I will start the day with a smile on my face and a positive mind. The world has so many beautiful things waiting for me to discover. Abundance wise I am looking into a walk with some garbage bags. During the walk I plan on cleaning up some messes along the railroad walking path between the tiny house village and Lansdown Road as my good deed for the month. Also during the walk I will be looking for some wild greens and great photo ops Ambition wise I will be improving my AI IQ and finally getting a handle on Lightroom Classic, Stable diffusion and Photoshop. I have 12 books on my fiction reading list and another 12 Non-fict

Woulf's Story

This is a basic outline of the first three chapter of Woulf's Story (working title). It is very bare bones no big descriptions or anctual conversations only a suggestion of them. Any and all feedback is welcome! EL if you decide you have to do actual edits copy and paste the chapters in Word make the changes then send it through messenger in our private chat please. Everyone else please leave a comment with your suggestions below. Chapter 1: The Call to Adventure Chapter 2: The Lumibear Village Chapter 3: The Guardian Chapter 4: The Mushroom Village Chapter 5: The Nagarats' Farm Chapter 1: The Call of the Forest Finally, the day had come. With a heavy heart and a determined spirit, Woulf stood before his village. For a year, he had felt the pull of distant voices, the cries for help echoing in his mind. Today, he would heed those calls. Within his village, there had been rumblings of pain. The villagers gathered to support Woulf in any way they could as he prepared for his jour

March Art 1-3

 I figured since I have the space I'd brag a bit. 3 days, 3 pcs, 6/7 lists. That 7th list is kinda kicking me in the butt as I have yet to get a usable image from any of the AI I've tried but I'll keep trying. Just a reminder that you can find all of my lists on this Pinterest board: March 2024 (3) werewolf, kangaroo/antelope, market, peach blossom, Marsh Mallow(plant), rain (2) library, old,spring, doll's eye flower, lion/elephant, vampire (1) pig, witch, poppy, garden, leaf/butterfly, shamrock

March Quotes