October 31-November 1 are the pagan New Years Eve & day and since it comes shortly after my birthday I have selected it as my own as well.
My birthday being in the first week of October, thus this is the beginning of my 64th year. I've talked about this before so you can guess what's coming next or maybe not.
I use a journal, it is not one thing but everything that happens in the year. This year it is called "Journal of Life November 23 - October 24" and I have begun setting it up, it is a lot of work at first but once it's done, its just a matter of using it. I had hoped to use a preset list of activities each month, but the No Excuses site is gone, so I am creating and recreating my version.
As you are aware I have many interests in the creative fields- Writing, Drawing, Photography, Painting etc. This year I'd like to include it with the standard Timer Journal (can't recall what it is called right this moment but it is an appointment book/Tracker thing.)
Anyway without the website and having not found it anywhere on the internet I am using a sample in the book to create my own Monthly insert to use. It is a lot of work because I am fussy and want a bit of everything on it from suggested books to read to photos to take to writing to do to watercolour and other paints or ... on and on. I figure when I get the first one made the others should be easy because they will only include different poems to Letter and a monthly theme for the drawing. Oh and a different colour scheme. I may even reuse the same photo's to take list.
Naw that sounds a bit boring. The last one not the other things. But I am designing it practically from scratch. I am also considering posting the list here for you and sharing my results at various web sites. Now understand it will be paper not digital although I may add a bit of that in for me as well so I can learn to use the Open Source software I have downloaded.
E knows what I'm talking about but I will explain it for those of you who don't.
Open Source software is an application that anyone can add to if they are so inclined, its benefit to me is that it is on par with Photoshop and other really expensive software but for free. I will reference the apps when I use them so you can find and use them too.
Like I am creating the journal insert using Libre Office- Writer which is equivalent to Microsoft Word. Libre Office has parts just like Microsoft 365 only again for free.
Oh one last thing during the last week of November I'll be in British Columbia, I plan to write the days here as I did with the Alberta trip but as they happen instead of weeks later. I am thinking that way it will remain fresh in my head.
And yes I will eventually get the day in West Edmonton mall done and I apologize for it taking so long. As you are aware I have been dealing with some mental issues but the worst seems to have passed. As long as I keep my mind busy I should be fine that is what the classes are for.
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