Like many creative people I always have several plans in the works, my UFO list is long as is my WTD list (UFO=Unfinished objects, WTD=Want to do). Right now I am trying to work on the following:
1) Learn how to make a short film (Animated, Documentary)
2) Learn to create good page layout (for the poetry)
3) Create a book that consists of my poetry and my art
4) Write a publishable short story or two from previously created ones.
5) Create a series of digital art pieces using my own photography
I have Adobe CC but it does not work properly because they are not paid for. I needed applications that can do what I need so I downloaded and am learning several Open Source applications for practice and basic training. If they go well then and only then will I rent the Adobe CC ones.
I happen to have a membership to a digital library that allows me to download books on nearly any subject which is where I have been finding books to teach me what I need to know. That and I have been seeking websites that can and will give feedback on my work. Two of them you are probably familiar with, they are Deviant Art and Instagram.
There are also many free courses online and through YouTube which I will be making use of as I go along. The paid ones might be better but I can't afford them.
Today is Drawing day. Drawing is an important skill and though I would prefer to go full-tilt ahead to digital drawing I need to get some practice in first. The book I am using for this is called "Drawing For the Absolute Beginner"
When I checked out the contents it seemed absolutely perfect for me. I draw, have drawn many things but there is no consistency nor shading in what I have done. Even the digital ones have been hit and miss.
Tomorrow is 2D animation which is why I am trying to learn consistency. It is the basis for 3D animation though I am not sure if I will go that route. The first animation I want to create is pretty simple and would work well in 2D format I think.
Yes I already have a story in mind, I even got as far as making a storyboard for it a while back but had no idea how to go from drawing the sequence to making it come alive, thus 2D animation.
The other classes I am doing are as follows:
Photography- Both from the standpoint of taking strong photos and digital manipulation. You will find most of these on Instagram
Film Making- with emphasis on making a short documentary using my camera and Opensource software in particular Blender, followed by the animation short. These I am hoping to put on a Youtube channel but I don't have one yet.
Visual Communication- The Basics of Digital Art. You will find them at Deviant Art. There is nothing there just yet but there will be.
Art & Creativity- This is for Art Journal stuff again in digital form, these will also be at Deviant Art. Colour Theory and learning from the Masters will be part of this, it is basically Art class
Digital Essentials- This is for the applications and programs I need to learn to create any of the above.
Seven different classes, one for each day of the week. I have several textbooks on these subjects including both for instruction and assignments. The process is not stream-lined like it would be in a school but I believe it is possible to become good enough to create what I want to create.
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