Yesterday was a travel day so I didn't do much, today I'm making up for it. Most of the work goes in my writing journal, that way I can get my words straight and understandable. My brain is fragmenting fairly regularly these days which makes quickly writing anything problematic. So Goals fist, they are not resolutions as that indicates temporary plans, goals gives the result required with the steps for it to happen. Making them much more likely to be completed. Goals: 1) Weight loss is still high priority to reduce my sugar levels, cholesterol levels and ease the wear and tear on my joints which have been steadily getting worse. a) a daily walk through my building (this includes several sets of stairs), once I have timed it and checked the steps I will know how many times I'll have to do it in a day. b) a concentration on low GI foods while eating around 1400 calories per day. - MOW provides around 500 calories per day so I will be continuing them but I'm going to have...