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It's poetry month

 I considered adding images for these poems but I think the words speak for themselves. A Place I Love and Metaphorical Journey are both done in free verse as it is always the easiest choice for me. Seasonal Change Here's a diamante for "winter to spring": Winter Cold, icy Freezing, chilling, snowing Transition, change, awakening, rebirth Blooming, warming, flourishing Spring And here's one for "spring to summer": Spring Blooming, blossoming Warming, refreshing, growing Transition, change, evolution, growth Brightening, warming, shining Summer Sadly my mind went blank when I tried to describe the changing of the seasons, this is as the AI made them. And yet it still managed to echo my own thoughts on the changes within the verses it truly is amazing. The second poem prompt I have is: A Place I Love In the evergreen haven, a child's retreat, A peaceful, perfect playhouse, a quiet seat. Beneath boughs of green, a sanctuary found, A little fort, a haven, on

Autism Speaks

 You might wonder why I advocate for Autism, it is simple my oldest grandson was born with it. It is hard to say because I can't completely blame his parents, not completely I could have fought harder for him. He has reached the age of 15 without basic self care training. By my daughters choice he and his brother were not encouraged to become independant in any way until he reached this year and started having real difficulty dealing with high school. His aroma can be quite pungent as he does not like showers and he can't really fit in the tub, he is about 5' 5" and over 150 lbs. One of the things that has occured to me since my daughter came to me to ask with help to get him to finish his education is that he can't learn what he isn't shown and our personal care could be much better. If we are to model the expected behaviour we have to make things like showering regularly as a necessity for us and through up to him. I am designing a program that will allow him

World Health Day 2024, “My Health, My Right” April 7

The right to health is a universal right of all human beings, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or another status.  Below are three sheets which describe your rights to health care if you are female, disabled or other.

Poetry Month Day 6

 An Ode to an Object: My Computer Horatian Ode: O computer, silent sentinel of the digital age, With keys that dance beneath my fingertips, You bring the world to my fingertips, A window to realms both near and far. In your circuits hums the pulse of progress, In your screen, the stories of our time unfold, You are more than a machine, you are a gateway, To knowledge, to connection, to infinite possibility. Irregular Ode: O computer, you magical box of wonders, With your silicon heart and plastic shell, You sit upon my desk, a modern marvel, A tool, a toy, a treasure trove of knowledge. In your depths, electrons dance and swirl, Creating images, sounds, and words, You connect me to the world beyond, To people, to ideas, to endless information. O computer, you are more than a machine, You are a companion, a confidante, In your pixels, I find solace and inspiration, In your memory, I store my dreams and aspirations.

Its Poetry Month Day 5

I have two for you today because well one is a journal entry called Springtime Senses written using a Five Senses form and the other is called Lost and Found in Acrostic form Springtime Senses See: Flowers bloom in vibrant hues, Trees adorned in fresh green leaves, Nature's canvas painted anew, Spring arrives, a sight to perceive. Hear: Birds sing melodies in the air, Bees buzz as they gather nectar, Soft rustle of leaves, a gentle flair, Nature's orchestra, a sweet spectre. Smell: A bouquet of blossoms in the breeze, Fresh grass after a morning rain, Earth awakening from its winter freeze, Spring scents, a fragrant domain. Taste: The first bite of a ripe, juicy fruit, The sweetness of a floral infusion, Nature's bounty, fresh and acute, Spring flavors, a delightful conclusion. Touch: Soft petals, delicate and light, Cool breeze on a warm afternoon, Grass underfoot, a comforting sight, Spring's textures, a sensory boon. Lost and Found L ooking for answers, I wandered

It's Poetry Month Day 4

 Title: Dreamscape     Poetry form: Tanka   In dreamscape's embrace, Monochrome corridors stretch, Cash boxes and files, One opens, light spills forth, Illuminating memories.

Walk for Health April 4

  Walking Program for Seniors Day 1: Distance: 10 minutes Intensity: Easy pace, focus on good posture Notes: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after the walk. Day 2: Distance: 15 minutes Intensity: Maintain a steady pace, slightly faster than Day 1 Notes: Notice any improvements in stamina or comfort compared to Day 1. Day 3: Distance: 10 minutes Intensity: Easy pace, focus on breathing deeply Notes: Use this day as a recovery day if needed, listen to your body. Day 4: Distance: 15 minutes Intensity: Steady pace, aim for consistent strides Notes: Pay attention to your surroundings, enjoy the walk. Day 5: Distance: 20 minutes Intensity: Moderate pace, challenge yourself slightly Notes: Note any changes in energy levels or mood after the walk. Day 6: Distance: 15 minutes Intensity: Steady pace, focus on walking with purpose Notes: Reflect on your progress so far, celebrate achievements. Day 7: Distance: 20 minutes Intensity: Moderate pace, maintain a ste